
All material on this website is published in good faith, however Artiscape does not warrant or represent the origin, authenticity, validity, accuracy, reliability, completeness, or timeliness, nor accept any responsibility for errors or omissions, in any material on this website or in any accompanying or other material, including advertisements, whether oral, visual, written, printed or electronic.
Artiscape is not liable for any losses, damages, demands, claims, costs and expenses of whatsoever nature arising in any way, including those caused by negligence, out of or in connection with the use of this website, or any accompanying or subsequent information, or by reason of any reliance upon its contents by any person, company or organisation. All access to, and use of, the information is at the user's risk. All technical details, recommendations and other information contained on this website represent the best of our knowledge and experience at the time of publishment. It is your responsibility to ensure that our products are used and handled correctly, our instructions and recommendations and only for the uses they are intended. Artiscape reserves the right to alter, amend, vary or otherwise change any information on this website at any time and without prior notice to you.